The hole the dog made in my jeans
The puncture wounds and subsequent bruising
We decided it would be prudent to go to the hospital. Without knowing where this dog was from, if it had owners or was a stray, there was no telling what sort of strange disease I could have contracted. I was limping slightly, and my jeans rubbing on the wound made it sting something fierce, but we managed to make it back the way we came and along the way decided to pass by the police station first and make a report - a denuncio, as it is called here. First the officer looked at me a bit like "what are you telling this to me for?" but eventually became helpful. I told him where it had happened, what the dog looked like, etc and he told me to go to the doctor and bring back proof of my visit and the description of the injury I had suffered. In the meantime, he said he would go looking for the owner of the dog and find out its medical history. Fair enough.
What the dog looked like in my memory
So I marched off to the hospital and told my story again, estaba mordido por un perro feroz. The hospital was empty as I walked up to the desk and asked to be seen. She took my medical card and my NIE card and ask me a couple of mumbled questions which she then answered herself and told me to go wait outside of door 13.
The empty waiting room
Door number 13
The doctor was very nice, and kept saying how much it must hurt. She asked me if I had had a tetanus shot and since I had, seemed satisfied that nothing more was needed. She dabbed it with a little iodine and told me I should do so again in the mornings and evenings for a couple of days. Then she printed up the report and sent me on my way. Documentation in hand I returned to the police station, where they had kept their word and already had photos on the computer to show me of the suspect. I confirmed that it was the dog in question and they assured me that it had an owner and a regular veterinarian so the chances of it being a disease carrier were slim. In all likelihood the dog was probably as freaked out as I. We learned that it is normally kept in the fenced-in garden, but that the gate had been left open. His sidekick, the big white dog, had looked harmless enough - in fact, it looked like he was chasing after the little dog to bring him back home.
Hypothetical conversation among dogs:
Upon racing back to their garden...
Big dog: Do you know what you just did?!
Little dog: (cringing) I know...
Big dog: You just BIT that girl!
Little dog: I know, I know. It just kinda happened. I'm totally freaking out!
What the dog really looked like (more or less)
The adventure continues in Spain. And next time I go walking, I'm bringing a big stick.
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