Tuesday, October 20, 2009

La Primera Invitada

I had my very first visitor this weekend. I met Laura at the Orientation in Barcelona on 30 September. She is here in Catalunya on the same program as I am and is teaching in a little town called Suria, about an hour by bus from Solsona. She arrived Sunday afternoon and I don't think we stopped talking until she left the following afternoon. It was fun to be able to compare notes on our different placement, our living situations, navigating in Catalan, our observations about Catalonia, and generally nice to have a buddy for a night. We hiked up to the castle together so she could see all of Solsona and then we went to dinner together. We made a point of ordering a couple of different things, not knowing what we were ordering and were able to sample some typical Catalan cuisine. We tried coca which is sort of like a pizza, only more delicious. It is on a piece of long, thin sort of sweet bread, and on top was roasted zucchini and discs of fresh goat cheese. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That pizza sounds amazing. Find out how the locals make the bread! I want to try...
